Partnerships built for impact.

New and noteworthy brand solutions available in 2023.

Unlock a fan favorite: sponsor the next season of our popular video series, The Way We Work.

What we know: People share video content 2x more than any other type of content.

Get the glory as a podcast launch partner.

What we know: Sports and business are the fastest growing genres in the medium — #5 and #7 respectively. 77% of consumers listen to podcast ads these days.

Capture that elusive Gen Z audience with TED’s TikTok.

What we know: TikTok has outpaced YouTube in US average watch time, and over half of Gen Z consumers are on TikTok.

Podcasts + YouTube: a winning formula for targeted reach.

What we know: The largest group of YouTube users are between 25 and 34 years old. 58% of listeners prefer to engage with podcasts on YouTube.

“Boss” isn’t a position, it’s a mindset. Flex it at our TED Conference.

What we know: 75% of attendees feel more connected to brands after an in-person experience.

1 source: Digital 2022: Global Overview Report  2source3source4source5source